Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving: A Misconstrued Holiday

My opinion on the holiday Thanksgiving is much like my opinion about other so called holidays such as Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, etc. It's a crock of shit and Americans don't know what the fuck they are even celebrating for.

99% of the ignorant American's in this country have no clue what it means, they just sit around and eat a bunch of food and watching the one of the stupidest sports on earth (football). In a small nutshell/nutsack (which ever you prefer) the American system was founded on hypocrisy and double standards. English 'explorers' decided that their 'homeland' was treating them unfairly, so they decided to come here, to this continent, which was settled 10,000 years before they came by the Native Americans, who were technically from parts of Asia. Anyways, when the English settlers arrived, they found that this landmass already had its own set of people on it, and they had their own very different principles and traditions than the English.

After the English experienced a few years of rough times and bad living conditions, the Native American's reached out to the white men and showed them how to grow certain crops, how to hunt elk, and other essential things that the English had no clue how to do. They had a feast and that is essentially what we celebrate as Thanksgiving today.

Well, a few decades down the road and the power goes to the whiteman's head. They now have greater technology and knowledge on their side, as well as the greed and ambition that they were born with. They want more aland and push westward, and to do so, the English conquer nations of people that were here 10,000 + years before them, and fucking helped them survive in the early 1600's.

Skip over 300 years of a huge chunk of the Native American population lost in brutal battle, war, and other oppression due to the English, we are here in 2009.

Four centuries since the Native Americans reach out and embraced the English to help them survive, and look at the result. Pushed off of their lands, the Native Americans that once thrived on the lands of present day New England, the South, the mid west, etc. are swept into the shittiest parts of the most arid lands in New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. They are on 'reservations,' suffering from poverty, diseases, and are unable to live how they lived for thousands of years before the white man came into their lands and relocated them.

Why did I write about this? I think it's because the only way for me to justify to myself for what humans like you and I have done to the Earth. Simply put, humans have fucked the Earth up. The international society is the cancerous growth that should have been removed years ago. No one human should have authority over another, and no group should ever invade anther's land and fuck their whole culture up like what the English did to the Native Americans. Happy Thanksgiving that's some food for thought since you probably wouldn't have to think twice when you're sitting on your ass watching football with your family, ignorance is bliss I'm sure.

- Malcolm

"One does not sell the land people walk on."

- 1875, Crazy Horse.